The Mission of Community Housing Innovations is to provide housing and human services that support social and economic independence.
CHI’s vision is to break the cycle of poverty by ensuring that all families and individuals live in quality housing, have a home of their own and a job to support them.
About Community Housing Innovations
Community Housing Innovations (CHI), founded in 1991, is a not-for-profit housing and human services organization that serves Westchester, Long Island, Hudson Valley and New York City. CHI’s mission is to provide housing and human services that support social and economic independence. CHI’s vision is to end generational poverty and foster upward mobility by ensuring that all families and individuals live in quality housing, have a home of their own and a job to support them. CHI believes quality, affordable housing provides a firm foundation for a prosperous life.
CHI provides shelter, as a temporary measure, for individuals and families who are homeless, as well as programs and services for low-and-moderate income households. In addition to emergency shelters, CHI also manages transitional and supportive housing for over one thousand individuals per night. CHI also provides permanent affordable housing and partners with community-based organizations, government agencies, and private sector entities to develop and maintain properties.
In addition to ensuring that individuals and families are provided safe housing and supportive services, CHI operates a Homeownership Program to help people achieve the dream of owning a home —the stepping-stone to upward mobility and economic independence. CHI provides individuals and families with first-time homebuyer education, one-on-one counseling, and financial assistance to guide them through the home purchase process. Approximately 1,700 individuals have participated in CHI’s Homeownership Counseling, Education, and Grant Assistance Program.
CHI also operates a Foreclosure Prevention Counseling for homeowners experiencing financial distress. The goal of the program is to secure a loan modification, thereby preventing potential homelessness. In addition, CHI offers Eviction Prevention Services to prevent eviction, one of the primary causes of homelessness.
CHI is expanding its homeownership, affordable housing and permanent housing portfolio and developing a new Financial Literacy Program. In addition, CHI is working on expanding CHI Realty, an independent nonprofit brokerage that works to place homeless clients into permanent housing. CHI will seek new innovative housing platforms to meet its mission to provide housing and human services that support social and economic independence.